Thursday, August 04, 2005

Hi There...

It's a new post, and a new month, and a new day. Thankfully things have been calming down around here. James got the full time job at BYU and will go to school part time. So, we will be here for awhile now. I will finish by December, and I'm so glad. Something I didn't mention before is that in June I started a Mary Kay business. I'm definitely learning a lot, but it's been a great thing for me to do. I'm learning how to talk to people and not be so shy, and I have fun with other women. It's wonderful.

Abby is as cute as ever. She crawls everywhere, and she just got weaned. So, she's a little more clingy and cuddly than before, which is fun for us. She loves to wave at people and point to what she wants, and is quickly learning the word "no-no" and responds to it, thankfully!

Other than that, things are finally calming down, which is ironic since school starts in 3 weeks already. But, it's nice to have a routine for now. I've had some time to scrapbook and sew a little every day and that has been fun too. I get my creative bit in and it feels nice to have a well rounded day. I've also been baking a lot. 2 batches of cookies this week. Boy am I sounding like a housewife! Who'd a thought it? It's fun though, and I enjoy it.

Well folks, I need to go to bed, but I thought I would catch up a little. Take care.

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