So, in April I thought, you know I'm so excited for summer. We don't have very many plans, we can chill at home, maybe go camping a few times, and just enjoy the warm weather. Well, all of that has happened plus a ton more. So here's a little catch-up. Alex has been learning how to crawl. He does a push-up (I can't do them like this kid does. I think only my Marine brother Jared and his wife can do them with expertise this kid shows), drops his knees and then rocks. When he gets frustrated that he isn't going anywhere, then he makes this little leap to get what he wants. He's growing so fast. It doesn't help that at 7 months old he is the size of a average sized 15 month old. He is the happiest kid though, and I'm really thankful for that.
William is so active. He runs everywhere, jumps on everything, and is constantly in my fridge. Typical boy. He loves his cars still and has developed a love for water. That includes the bathroom sink, the kitchen sink, the pool, the bathtub, and dumping his drinks out on the table. Bless his heart :D.
Abby has turned into such a good helper. It's so much easier when they can dress themselves and are out of diapers. And for better or worse, her vocabulary is huge. The other night James and I were laughing about something in the car and she told us to "settle down guys". She's awesome with the boys too. She plays with them and helps me help them. And at night when she is done and William is trying to turn on the lights she yells at us under the door to "turn off the breaker please!". How many 4 year olds know what a breaker is? She does because it disables William so he can't play all night long.
Well, enough blabbering, here are some pictures of some of our adventures.
Our cute family pic courtesy of Jes Myrick.
Daniel's high school graduation. The question is where are Abby and Tavner in this picture? Deriously no one knows. So much for a family pic at this event!
Charity and her kids came to visit in June! Yay! It had been almost two years and it was great to see them.
We went camping with Melissa, Brandon, and Maxwell.
Alex asleep in the car top carrier.
Maxwell and William playing in the tent.
Abby's family of inch worms.
Alex always has his tongue out.
William's birthday. Poor kid was sick but he got his bike!
Hiding in the box is fun too.
Putting stuff together is always fun.
James 10 year reunion
4th of July Parade in Kaysville.
Old car in the parade.
William thought that old car was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. He was so excited since that is his favorite show right now.
James and his brother Daniel and their synchronized diving
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And last but not least, the house we have under contract that is also under construction. It looks more finished now. They are painting this week. Maybe one more month or so and we can move in. About the time that we are going to sign and move in, my brother should be going to CO on leave before he leaves for Afghanistan for 7 months. My friends are having a reunion at the same time. And, James is doing the photography for a wedding. We're just hoping the timing all works out perfectly on this one! To see the video tour of our very unfinished house clicke here: That's about it for now. Thanks for being patient with my inability to post more regularly.

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